Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Middle Months - Blah!!

I was anxiously awaiting my orthopedic appointment last week... I hoped that he would agree to start fitting me for my knee brace or tell me that I could start attempting some higher level activity. Instead, I was met with instruction to stay the course for now. "Maybe" we'll start fitting for the brace at my next visit (5 more weeks). I was so disappointed! Although I know I've made tremendous progress, right now it's so hard to see it. The bottom line is that I still have knee pain, I still walk with a limp, and I still can not train. It has been 5 months since my injury, 3 months since my ACL surgery, and an eternity since I have trained. I am still unable to return to work (irony - I am a physical therapist). I find that I am becoming increasingly impatient with this "waiting" game. And I have realized that the only thing that truly matters is being able to train again. I completely understand what athletes go through and how they feel like a piece of them is missing when they can't play their sport. I definitely have a hole in me!

1 comment:

  1. The middle months are a tough time. I am sorry to hear that you were disappointed at your doctor's visit. ACL injuries definitely require patience.

    I was fitted for my functional ACL brace at twelve weeks. It was my lowest moment during recovery. I was not expecting to wear a functional brace for a year during karate. My thinking was surgery, post-op brace then no brace. I was wrong.
